Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Life Very Ordinary

There is nothing more satisfying to me than finishing reading a really good book, a good meal, and any significant piece of communication. I love reading a book that you might call "Slice of Life" in style. I am so grateful to friends who know me well enough to send me these literary morsels. They are gifts in many ways. I've decided I need to keep track of all the books I read and perhaps go back and pickup a few from the past.

It seems to me that an ordinary life is what I have been called to live. I've had my ups and downs but all in all I have loved it all, good and bad, scary, exhilarating and boring. But I find that it is the life I'm drawn to and live. Everyone longs to feel more, to considered really good at something, known for something. I'm happy just going along. I like sharing insights to things with my friends and anyone who wants to listen. If you don't want to listen then you can click off. How about that....just a click away and someone else's life will be there for you to consume.

Many people are lining up to record their resolutions for the new year. I resolve to keep track of what I read; to love my friends and family honestly and deeply and to think about what I say and write. It is so easy to get caught up in rushing here and there that the intention of living is lost in the quest of an illusive idea with no structure.

So for now this is all I will say and I will try to get better at organizing my thoughts and communicating them to whomever wants to listen.
Happy New Year


Rose L said...

I am listening and priveledged to be your friend.

meggie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, & leaving me a comment.
I have enjoyed meeting you. I find it very interesting to be 65- I too, feel a little surprised to be here! LOL. I am in fact, going to be 66 soon, so another knew era for me!

roxie said...

Ordinary? I guess it all depends on your perspective. I find nothing ordinary about you. Centered, thoughtful and wise, but not ordinary.

roxie said...

By the way, I want quilt photos, please. What are you up to?

~Bren~ said...

Mary Lou
Thanks for the suggestion of bedrisers...that may be a better way to go as that desk is very heavy.
Have you shown your sewing room? I would love to see it.

The Fibers of Life said...

Bren - Thank you for the invitation to show my sewing room. It is always in something of a creative muddle,paper and fabric stacked every where. But, I will post some pictures of it and of some of my quilts. Thank YOU

The Fibers of Life said...

Roxie - I'm sooo glad you found me. I noticed comments on Rose's blog from you and then my own and its just wonderful to hear from you. I'm working on my blog to put together a scrap book of my quilts but it is still in the planning stage. I do have pictures however. I suppose I could just put them on but I guess I wanted to be somewhat organized about it. Thank you for looking and reading.